Moisturize your Protective Style

Since the weather has been cold, I’ve been asked what do I use on my hair that allows it to look so shiny and unaffected by the weather? Most individuals feel that they can be lazy with their hair when it is in a protective style, but that is not the case. Moisturizing your hair while it is in a protective style takes more effort than when it is not because you are more liable for breakage and dry scalp. Currently my hair is in Senegalese twists and I defiantly don’t want it to look dry and flaky, so it is my mission to keep my twists looking fresh and healthy. I have three very important oils that I use that I would like to share with you, but before I start I must say water is the best moisturizer for your hair. If you have a spray bottle, combine water with all the oils I will discuss and spray your hair every day.

1. Tea Tree Oil

I love using tea tree oil on my scalp especially when is it tends to be itchy. Tea Tree Oil strops issues such as dandruff, hair loss, lice, and even cuts. Kathi Keville of says this oil is often called a “medicine cabinet in a bottle” and is “effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses and stimulates the immune system.”

2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is truly my favorite oil to use because it is awesome for moisturizing, deep conditioning, shine, and relieving dry scalp. “When using olive oil for your hair, make sure it is extra virgin oil. If the olive oil is not extra virgin, it means that it has undergone some form of chemical processing, which takes away from the quality of the oil.”

3. Castor Oil

Castor oil also like the others promote hair growth, prevents breakage, give the hair moisture and shine, and prevents dandruff. I just started using castor oil and I already see wonders. “Regular use of castor oil also conditions the scalp and hair. Well conditioned hair means healthier hair and better texture. Healthy hair strands appear thicker as compared to unhealthy hair strands. This hair oil must be used by those having thin hair.”

Attending Events in the Natural Hair Community

Natural hair shows and events have been around a long time , bringing people with similar interests together. From the start, hair shows have been about sharing and encouraging the use of different products, styles, techniques. Recently a lot of natural hair events have been taking place and all of them have had great turnouts. As a woman with natural hair, I encourage all of you t attend some of these events because you gain a substantial amount of knowledge about your hair and you can meet a variety of people.  The natural hair community is a force to be reckoned with because it is constantly growing and becoming more knowledgeable. There are so many events in your area that are coming up you can check out.

Why should you attend natural hair shows and events?

1. You will come across so many great ideas. You may discover products, people, and locations you hadn’t seen advertised before.

2. You get to meet and decide immediately if you like the vendors. Some vendors are cheaper than others and others may be very expensive. You have an opportunity to test products before you buy them which is great. You can’t do that when shopping at different stores.

3. You will meet new people. Expos and events are great resources for meet ups. I know it is very hard to make friends and find individuals with the same interests as you, but I feel that it is a bit easier to do so when you attend these natural hair events. Everyone is attending the event for one common interest, natural hair. It is also a great place to network. If you are starting a business and having your own event, this is a great place for exposure.

4. You get free things. Who can turn down free appetizers and free product samples? Natural hair expos offers you the chance to speak with the product owners and to experience an example of what vendors could provide for you or your natural hair regimen.

Natural hair expos and events present you with many opportunities that can take you far in your journey and can help you select products that fit your budget. Research the events that catch your eye before attending to see which one is best for you. I promise these events will be beneficial to you all while leaving you feeling encouraged, inspired and beautiful.

Tips for Natural Hair Women In College

With all that goes into college the last thing you want to do is stress about your hair. When I first started college, I wasn’t natural but I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed with school that you forget all about taking care of your hair or feel like putting a lot of energy into growing healthy hair. As a college student that also works full-time I know that 24 hours is not enough time to do all that you want and need to do. Here are some tips for us natural women to use in our everyday routine.

Tip 1: Stick to low maintenance styles
There are so many times that I have gotten up to go to class and didn’t feel like doing anything special to my hair especially if I was up studying the night before. Let’s just say the bun style has been my best friend this semester. It is quick, cute, and easy. Make sure if you are going to do this style to moisturize your hair with olive oil. You want your hair to at least look like you put a lot of effort into it even though between you and me, we know you didn’t. You can even spice up your style with a colorful scarf.

Tip 2: Buy your products in bulk
This tip is a life saver and one that I continue to do myself even though I no longer live in the college dorms. I like to buy 2 jars of every product I use so that when I get low on supply, I don’t have to rush every week to get it. Having a month’s supply of your favorite products save you time and money.


Tip 3: Meet with other natural hair individuals on campus
Meeting with people who are just like you and experiencing things that you are is great. Not only can you meet new friends, but you may even find someone who can help style your hair for a low price or even free.

Tip 4: Manage your time effectively
Managing your time can be very hard, but know that it is possible. Always have a schedule that you promise to abide by. For example, Saturdays are my wash days so I make sure to really focus on my hair and replenish it.

Tip 5: You need your rest!
A good quality’s rest is needed for healthy hair. “Who hasn’t heard of the benefits of beauty sleep which rejuvenates the skin, the eyes and the hair? After all, without enough consistent and restful sleep your body simply can’t grow healthy hair.” {1} Plan your bedtime accordingly so that if you want to do something special to your hair in the morning, you have enough time to do it.

Is Natural Hair Acceptable for the Workplace?

Many women are very skeptical about going natural because they fear that they won’t be able to succeed in the workforce. It concerns me that people are worried about their hair more so then what they can bring to the job. I want to reassure you that wearing your hair natural is very professional. Wearing an Afro is a great style, but most of us know that depending on where you work, it won’t always be the style that you should choose to wear at work. What is so awesome about natural hair is that you can change up your look. Great styles for the professional environment are buns, twists-outs, braids, and even curly Afros.

Below is a style that I have worn many times to work. A pin-up hairstyle works great for all natural hair lengths because your hair is out of your face, off your neck, and it gives you volume. All you really need to do is use your bobby pins and get creative. Just make sure everything is secure and in place.

Up-do Hairstyle

Professionalism depends on how you style your hair not by it being natural or straight. If a job only encourages certain types of hairstyles than this place is not a healthy situation for you or the company. Initially, I also was scared to go natural because some of my family members did not support me. My grandmother told me that I would never get a job because of my “nappy hair”. This stuck with me for awhile because she made it seem like people would be scared of me. Now, I have been natural for two years and never had an issue with getting a job in a professional environment. Being natural has made me go into interviews more confident than ever and that positive energy feeds off to the interviewers. Your natural hair should never be a hindrance on you. It represents who you are and your individuality.

Professionalism deals with your expertise and how you can carry yourself in a business atmosphere. Still don’t believe me that there are many natural hair women out here who are professional and work in a corporate atmosphere, then take a look here! The natural hair scene is thriving and I am glad to be part of it!

It’s All About the Washing Routine!

I’ve been inspired to make my first post all about my natural hair care washing routine. I’ve been natural for two years and my routine has changed constantly because I wanted to find the products and techniques that work best for me. Needless to say, I think I have. I have many products that I love and will share with you in future posts, but right now I want to give you all the basics.

Washing my hair can be great and it can also be tiring. With that said, I make sure to take the time every Saturday to do so. Before I do anything I pour a half a cup of apple cider vinegar in my hair to rid of all the dirt my hair may have build up on. My favorite shampoo that I’ve been using for a few months now is TRESemme’s Naturals Moisture Shampoo. When I tell you that this product leaves your hair feeling completely clean I am telling the honest truth. I have been looking for a shampoo that doesn’t have a lot of sulfate in it that still leaves my hair squeaky clean, and this is it! I section my hair into two sections and evenly distribute the shampoo. Sections help relieve some stress from this process. I massage the shampoo in my scalp all while using my fingers to detangle the hair. Quick note is that I do all of this while the water is touching my hair. You don’t want to break your hair off trying to detangle it. I give my hair two good washes and then move on to conditioning.

My hair can be very dry at times and so I’m always looking for  something that will give my hair moisture. Conditioning is the most important part of this process because it coats your hair with all of the nutrients it needs. The conditioner that I use is Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner. As I did with the washing step, I section my hair into two sections and evenly distribute the conditioner. I let this sit in my hair for 5-10 minutes while in the shower so that it really gets into my roots. After that I wash my hair out and let me tell you, it is SOFT. It is so easy now for me to detangle my hair When I first went natural I didn’t know what to do and no one in my family was natural so I learned through experiment. Every two weeks I deep conditionImagemy hair with my homemade treatment. It consists of: Two eggs, A half cup of olive oil, and 3 tablespoons of honey. I mix all of this up, section my hair into 4  equal parts, and distribute evenly. Let this sit in your hair for 20 minutes and place a shower cap on because it could get messy. If you want strong and healthy hair then you MUST deep condition. After my 20 minutes are up, I rinse it out and my hair is left shiny and full of bounce. Also my curls are left really defined.

I hope this blog gives some good ideas on how to treat your hair. This works best for me, but don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work for you because it is all about experimenting and finding your niche. Until next time, Bye!